Sustainable Florist - What does it mean?
With more and more florists opting out on using Floral foam, the word Sustainable is being used more and more in the flower industry.
There is much more to being a Sustainable Florist than just stopping the usage if floral foam, infact if you claim to be 100% Sustainable then you would be organically growing your own and selling them without any travel at all. That being said, we don't live in a perfect world where produce is grown on every rooftop and green energy is accessible and abundant.
So then what makes a Sustainable Florist?
Melbourne is a place...
Sustainable Florist | Melbourne | Footscray
We have been practicing sustainable floristry from the day we opened in 2014. There has been lots to learn along the way.
Heres why we don’t buy imported flowers.
We love supporting local flower farms and love visiting the farms in the peak of seasons and getting to know the farmer.
Imported flowers come smothered with chemicals and we don’t like putting our hands on them.
The carbon footprints involved in getting a bunch of non seasonal flowers from across the other side of the globe is massive and we like to keep our footprint low.
Lastly the Overuse of...
We will be open soon here in Footscray!
As we move towards reopening we have some different approaches as to how we can manage our Footscray shop in the Maribyrnong area.
To keep our doors open we need to think wisely. How can we achieve to serve flowers to Footscray, Maribyrnong, Seddon, Kensington, Yarraville, Ascot Vale and surrounds.
Stay tuned here for more announcements.
And in the meantime we will be doing contactless flower deliveries to Footscray, Maribyrnong, Ascot Vale, Seddon, Yarraville, Parkville and many more suburbs in the Melbourne Metro areas.
Melbournes best Eco and sustainable Florist.
Footscray, Maribyrnong, Ascot Vale, Flemington Flower deliveries
Footscray, Maribyrnong, Ascot Vale, Flemington, Seddon, Kensington are just a few places we go on flower deliveries.
We deliver beautiful blooms to the inner western suburbs. Also we deliver flowers to all Melbourne Metro areas.
Our store is 76 Geelong Road Footscray which is in the city of Maribyrnong. Our florist only sells locally grown blooms. We take pride in being an Eco florist.
A Care pack for Grace
A Care pack for Grace
Today we had a flower order for Grace and learnt that she is a Doctor working in the ICU. The flowers from her friend were not only sent because she is having a tough time working in the ICU, but she has recently lost her Grandma to Covid19.
When I heard this I immediately wanted to tell Grace that I cared and knew that so many others like me, would appreciate the work she is doing during this pandemic.
So Ive decided to send her more flowers and reach out to my fellow followers to...