Sustainable Florist - What does it mean?

With more and more florists opting out on using Floral foam, the word Sustainable is being used more and more in the flower industry. 

There is much more to being a Sustainable Florist than just stopping the usage if floral foam, infact if you claim to be 100% Sustainable then you would be organically growing your own and selling them without any travel at all. That being said, we don't live in a perfect world where produce is grown on every rooftop and green energy is accessible and abundant.

So then what makes a Sustainable Florist?

Melbourne is a place where we are able to express ourselves creatively and we have a great awareness to environmental issues allowing us think twice about the things we buy day to day. We are lucky to be given the option to purchase green. 

At Lilac and the Cat, Footscray's leading florist, we choose to do what we can when we can to be as Ethical and Sustainable as possible. We use minimal wrapping for all our bouquets, with no use of cellophane. We only buy locally grown flowers and buy from small flower farms that grow organically. Soon we will be starting our own Farm to Vase option in begining our little farm in the Otways.

With Floraly love from Footscray and the Otways

Jane xx

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